Department of Electrical Engineering
Control Robotics and Machine Learning Lab
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
המעבדה לבקרה רובוטיקה ולמידה חישובית

Machine Learning
“Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed”.
Arthur Samuel 1959.

Congratulations to Tom Zahavy and Daniel J. Mankowitz, the founders of this lab, for finishing their Ph.D. and starting a job as research scientists at Google DeepMind.
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Research Oriented Lab
Our projects are research oriented, as such they leave much room for ideas and innovation from the students. Hard work and enthusiasm usually pay off, as can be seen from the list of projects below which have been accepted as a conference/workshop paper.

Congratulations to Stav Belogolovski and Philip Korsunsky for the acceptance of their work "Inverse Reinforcement Learning in Contextual MDPs" to RLDM 2019 in Montréal.

Copy Of -Congratulations to Yonathan Osin and Naama Pearl for the acceptance of their work "Distributed Q-learning with Gittins Prioritization" to RLDM 2019 in Montréal.
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Hard Work Pays Off
Research oriented projects aren't easy, but their potential is large.
Some of our graduates have won prizes and many of them have continued to pursue a higher degree (M.Sc and P.hD)

Congratulations to Alexander Sivak and Saar Barkai, both graduates of our lab, for starting an M.Sc in machine learning.

Congratulations to Chen Tessler, Itay Golan, and Or Krupnik, all graduates of our lab, for starting an M.Sc in machine learning.
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