Department of Electrical Engineering
Control Robotics and Machine Learning Lab
Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
המעבדה לבקרה רובוטיקה ולמידה חישובית
Active Projects
Learning Skills to Play RoboCup Soccer from Scratch using DQN
Place an agent on a soccer field in RoboCup.
Train agent to approach a soccer ball and score past a keeper
Modify pre-existing algorithm to learn this behaviour
Automatic Skill Learning for Lifelong Learning in Minecraft
Train an agent in Minecraft to learn skills automatically to solve a given task
When the agent is given a new task, refine the skills to solve this task
Build on a pre-existing Minecraft Deep Learning work that has been published from our lab in AAAI 2017!
The OpenAI Universe Challenge
Find a domain in OpenAI Universe that has never been solved before
Using state-of-the-art Deep RL algorithms to solve the domain
Successor Features for Minecraft
Learn to solve a set of tasks in a Minecraft domain
Investigate methods for performing transfer between the tasks to solve the tasks faster or generalize to new unseen tasks.
Advanced optimization methods for DQN
Develop and implement various optimization techniques such as SVRG in the DQN framework to improve upon current state of the art results.
Advanced optimization methods for LSTMs
Develop and implement various optimization techniques similar (but not limited) to 'Shallow Updates for Deep Reinforcement Learning' on LSTM based architectures.
Action eliminating DQN: exploration via confidence bounds
Build upon the recent developments by Google DeepMind.
Implement well established models with convergence guarantees in a Deep Reinforcement Learning setup.
Besting ATARI via human-robot cooperation
Develop a human-robot interactive interface. In this interface, you will be able to replay episodes played by the agent and to manually fix it's errors.